Let us help you regain control of your destiny
The Virtuous Woman Inc is a Non-Profit Organization Federal Tax Exempt Certified 501(c)(3). Our Vision is of one or more girls becoming self-sufficient adults, equipped with the capacity to continuous elevation emotionally, physically and spiritually; building strong family units; developing a strong support system; and contributing to community life--no matter what challenges they may face.

We are Certified First Responders for the Los Angeles County Sheriff ’s Department.
When a trafficking victim is identified, we are notified – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
From there, we take the victim out of their current environment, and into a safe space.
The first step in recovery is to establish a new routine, filled with positive influences.
Our goal is to reunite victims with their families, or establish them in a new living situation.
Home of Hope, a residential treatment center with beds for 12 girls.
The rebuilding process begins with a series of 13 mandatory, once-a-week courses.
This course aims to help victims rebuild their self-esteem and discover their purpose.
Participants are assigned a mentor who helps them navigate their new life, off the streets.
The average age of runaway, homeless females ranges from 11-18 years old.
Interviews with runaways without families are looking for love and safety anywhere they can find it.
90% of homeless kids/TAY will become addicted to some type of drug and/or alcohol substance.
70% of these are forced in gangs, human trafficking and prostitution.

Contact Us
Office Address:
1630 Centinela Ave.
Suit 211 Inglewood, CA 90302
Dmanns@thevwiinc.org | Phone: (323) 457-0997